Gene Expression Microarray

We work with Agilent to offer a wide spectrum of gene expression microarrays that allow researchers to perform comprehensive transcriptomic analysis, so that all mRNAs in a given sample (from any cell/tissue, and any species) can be accurately quantified. Other arrays allow for the comprehensive screening of micro-RNAs or other non-coding RNAs.

  • The complete gene list includes the most up-to-date content, sourced from RefSeq, Ensembl, UniGene, GenBank, and LNCipedia databases.
  • Available for human, mouse, rat, and 26 other species/model organisms
  • Offers a dynamic range of 5 logs, ensuring detection of high and low gene expressors.
  • Fully customizable to suit any workflow.
  • For details, please see our partner’s website, here.

These arrays can be run using a one color format (i.e., only one sample is hybridized to the gene microarray), or two color format, if you have a suitable control for immediate comparison (i.e., 2 samples are simultaneously hybridized to the same gene microarray, including an experimental or disease sample, and a control sample).

The benefits of an all-Agilent workflow across various attributes, illustrating Agilent’s relative strengths in sensitivity, specificity, concordance and easy custom design. Green: outperforms competitors for this attribute; Yellow: comparable to competitors; Red: inferior to competitors